Swiss Bikers / Euro-Bikers Forum
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"; echo "'; } $datei = "data/forum.dat"; if (!file_exists($datei)) fclose(fopen($datei, "w")); $data = file($datei); foreach(explode("#", $data[0]) as $item) { if ($item != '') { if (is_numeric($item)) { if (auth('auth_show', false, $item)) board($item); } else { echo ""; } } } ?>
  Forum Themen Antworten Letzter Beitrag
".$_BOARD['description']; $mods = Group2Array($_BOARD['mods']); if (count($mods) > 0) { echo '
'.$_TEXT['MODERATOR'].': '; foreach ($mods as $moderator) { if ($moderator != $mods[0]) echo ", "; echo user($moderator); } echo ''; } if (($user_in_board[$i][0] != '') || ($guests_in_board[$i] > 0)) { echo '
'.$_TEXT['STAT_NOW_ONLINE'].': '; foreach($user_in_board[$i] as $user) {if ($user != $user_in_board[$i][0]) {echo ", ";} echo user($user);} if ($guests_in_board[$i] > 0) { if ($user != $user_in_board[$i][0]) {echo ' '.$_TEXT['STAT_AND'].' ';} if ($guests_in_board[$i] == 1) { echo $guests_in_board[$i].' '.$_TEXT['STAT_GUEST']; } else { echo $guests_in_board[$i].' '.$_TEXT['STAT_GUESTS']; } } echo ''; } echo '
'; echo $_BOARD['topics']; if (is_numeric($_BOARD['topics'])) {$themen_count = $themen_count + $_BOARD['topics'];} echo ''; echo $_BOARD['answeres']; if (is_numeric($_BOARD['answeres'])) {$beitraege_count = $beitraege_count + $_BOARD['answeres'];} echo ''; if ($_BOARD['lastpost'] == '') { echo '-'; } else { if ( ($_SESSION['Benutzername'] != "") OR ($_SESSION['Benutzername'] == "" AND $FORUM_LAST_POSTS_GUEST == 1)) { echo "".ftime($_BOARD['lastpost_date'])."
".$_TEXT['FROM']." ".user($_BOARD['lastpost_from']); } } echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$count_online.' '.$_TEXT['STAT_X_ONLINE'].' ('.count($count_online_user).' '.$_TEXT['STAT_USER'].' '.$_TEXT['STAT_AND'].' '; if (($count_online-count($count_online_user)) == 1) { echo ($count_online-count($count_online_user)).' '.$_TEXT['STAT_GUEST']; } else { echo ($count_online-count($count_online_user)).' '.$_TEXT['STAT_GUESTS']; } echo ')
'; foreach($count_online_user as $user) {if ($user != $count_online_user[0]) {echo ', ';} echo user($user);} echo '
'.$_TEXT['STAT_TODAY'].': '.$count_today.', '.$_TEXT['STAT_TOTAL'].': '.$count_gesamt.'
'.$_TEXT['TOPICS'].': '.$themen_count.', '.$_TEXT['ANSWERES'].': '.$beitraege_count.', '.$_TEXT['STAT_USER'].': '.count(LoadFileList('./data/user/', '.txt')); if ($_FORUM['newest_user'] != '') echo '
'.$_TEXT['STAT_NEWEST_USER'].': '.user($_FORUM['newest_user']); echo'
'; } if (($FORUM_DESIGN_SHOWLAST_GUEST) || ($FORUM_DESIGN_SHOWLAST_USER && $_SESSION['Benutzername'])) { echo '

'; if ( ($_SESSION['Benutzername'] != "") OR ($_SESSION['Benutzername'] == "" AND $FORUM_LAST_POSTS_GUEST == 1)) { echo '
'; if ($FORUM_ALLOW_RSS) { echo ' '; } echo $_TEXT['STAT_LAST_POSTS'].'
'; $filename = "./data/history.txt"; $hist = FileLoad($filename); if ($FORUM_DESIGN_SHOWLAST_COUNT < 1) $FORUM_DESIGN_SHOWLAST_COUNT = 5; $i_begin = count($hist)-$FORUM_DESIGN_SHOWLAST_COUNT; $i_end = count($hist)-1; if ($i_begin < 0) $i_begin = 0; if ($i_end < 0) $i_end = 0; for ($i=$i_end; $i >= $i_begin; $i--) { if (auth('auth_show', false, $hist[$i][0])) { $post_filename = './data/'.$hist[$i][0].'/'.$hist[$i][1].'.txt'; if (file_exists($post_filename)) { $post = file($post_filename); if (count($post) > $hist[$i][2]) { $post_page = ceil(($hist[$i][2]+1)/10); if ($_FORUM['settings_system_shorturls']) { if ($post_page > 1) $post_link = './board/'.$hist[$i][0].'_'.$hist[$i][1].'_'.$post_page.'.html'; else $post_link = './board/'.$hist[$i][0].'_'.$hist[$i][1].'.html'; } else $post_link = './thema.php?board='.$hist[$i][0].'&thema='.$hist[$i][1].'&page='.$post_page.'#'.$hist[$i][2]; $post_link = url('thema.php',$hist[$i][0],$hist[$i][1],$hist[$i][2]); $post_array = explode($TRENNZEICHEN, $post[$hist[$i][2]]); $post_text = history_text($post_array[2], $post_array[3], 50); $post_date = $post_array[0]; $post_from = $post_array[1]; echo ''.ftime($post_date).' '.$post_text.' '.$_TEXT['FROM'].' '.user($post_from).''; if ($i > $i_begin) echo '
'; } } } else { if ($i_begin > 0) $i_begin--; } } } echo '
'; echo '
'; } include("bottom.php"); ?>

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